Cloak of Stars
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Cloak of Stars
Traveler through space
and time. Wandering through
epochs. Starlight consciousness.
Fractals of light, memory.
Portraits of spirit. Portal of
soul. Anachronistic outcast.
Unraveling silken threads
connecting galaxies.
Falling. Into and through
the abyss. Perpetual twilight.
Liminal reflection of a
transient state of being.
Peripatetic prophetess.
Wearing a cloak of stars
and crown of phosphorescent mist.
Aeons of infinity. Immemorial grace
The Cloak of Stars series spanned the Eclipse season, was completed on the day of the “Great American” Solar Eclipse, and released on the day of the Full Corn Moon (in Pisces). Although I was not living in a location that offered totality, I still felt a tremendous amount of activation and energy for weeks leading up to both the Lunar and Solar eclipse. The current was so strong that I felt compelled to connect to it through this creative endeavor. I had not planned this series, although had written the poem Cloak of Stars months earlier. This series was partially inspired by the work of the same title by Amy Brown, by the 2014 Star Series of British photographer Ellie Davies, and by my practice and study of various spiritual traditions. In this series, I explore several concepts including self as divine, life as borne from stardust. Cloak of Stars utilized self portrait images taken during my Unbroken Beauty series as the foundation. As I worked within this series (I used the term “within” as I often felt completely immersed), the tone and narrative of the self portraits began to shift. Thus I began work within another concomitant series of images that I titled "Through the Looking Glass". Both series represent a different approach for me. In many ways the destabilizing energy of eclipse season radically shifted my perspective and way that I expressed my inner landscape.